Friday, November 14, 2008

Week 11 - Production Roles (Nov 21)

Here are designated production roles for shoot Nov 21. To prepare well, please reread script so you know what your job is during the shoot. Actors, see where you come in and what you do. Camera people, look at shot description. For those doing specialized shots such as a follow camera, trace the movement of the character you will follow through the script.

Actors, practice your puppetry and animation fight sequences!



Director: Beth

Director Assist: Jason (Presentation)
*RL: coordinate camera and light; making sure everyone is on their mark (know where they are and what to do) for a shot.

Avatar Actors: *Meet to practice.

Sassy: Lawrence (Visual)
Jenny: Brian (Visual)
Steve (Lieutenant): Esteban (Animation)
Cute Robot: Ingrid (Script)
Snoopy: Ananya (Presentation)
Shaolin: Fengyu (Animation)
Snow White: In-Bum (Visual)

Cameraman: *Experiment & practice.

Camera 1: Bruce (Script); follows shot list + close-ups and scenic camera
Camera 2: Valeria (Presentation); Cute Robot follow camera + close ups CR army
Camera 3: Beth; follows shot list
Camera 4: Jenny; follows shot list

Technical Assist: Rishi (Script)
*SL: coordinate technical solutions; display setting, troubleshoot lag, move prop/light, backup film locations.

Animation Assist: Jenny (Rehearsal checklist: et, location, light, training, CR avatar)
*SL & RL: Coordinate actors and fight/shot sequences.

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